One More Try

This week I bought a large jar of grapefruit. I tried to open it, but the lid just would not budge. I gave it to my son. He's a big strong man, but he couldn't open it either. When I tried to have someone else open it, my son was back at it again. We passed the jar to one more person and it popped right open. Why was it so easy for him? Well everyone else that tried before, slightly loosened the seal. It just took one more person to get the job done. While there are many gifts in the church, ministry still requires a sacrifice. We should never take each other for granted. Just like that jar, everyone has something valuable to contribute. It takes all of us to push the battle to the front. You may be feeling weak today, maybe even discouraged. I don't have to know you to know that the enemy has tried to distract you from your purpose. God has given you a gift that will edify the body and encourage the l...