Keep Your Leftovers!

If you know me, then you know I enjoy going to dinner with my family and friends. It feels good to sit around the table with the people who matter most in my life. Whether it's a long table or just two chairs, there is sure to be laughter and some good eating. Sometimes, I get caught up in the fellowship and don't finish my food. That means leftovers are heading to my house. This time of year many are celebrating new goals, new friends, and new faith. I wonder how many are thinking about where God fits into their plans. It may sound unnecessary to remind you that God should be at the top of the list. In fact, he should be number one! We serve an amazing God who looks out for us even when we are not putting him first. If you believe that, then how much more would he do if he was first in your life? How much deeper would you experience him? Leftovers, like spaghetti, usually taste better the second day. Some people like cold fried ch...