Wake up! Change Begins With You!

There is so much happening every day. For some, it may seem new, but not for me. I have lived through the Civil Rights Movement and I have seen it all before. This does not make me complacent or even apathetic. On the contrary, I find myself feeling the urgency of change. As a black woman, injustice has been a common thread in my daily existence. My mother never allowed me as a little girl to believe that I had to accept the injustice. She showed me how to hold my head up high in any room. She taught me the value of my voice. When I think of that today, it takes me to the scriptures. For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. 1 Peter 3:12 So many are feeling as though their voice isn't being heard because it doesn't matter to the powers that be. Like me, you may be wondering when will change come? Let me encourage you today! Cha...