Don't Leave Your Yes In The Pit

So many people are crying out for help. We never know what people are going through. What we have seen in the land, has devastated us once again. All over our nation, there has been bloodshed. It is no wonder that some have given up on the promises of God. What do you do when the trials and pain of this life seem to disconnect you from the promise? Looking at the story of Joseph, one would be tempted to scowl at the circumstances of this young man. He loved his father and his father deeply loved him. Though he was hated by his brothers, he continued to share his dreams. Joseph did not know what would become of him when he landed in the pit. He listened while his brothers thought they decided his fate. Can you imagine the pain this must have caused Joseph? You probably don't have to imagine because you've been there. I don't have to know your testimony to know that you've faced a pit experience in your life. Wh...