Govern Yourself Accordingly

When I look at the state of affairs in our government, churches, and homes, I see a common thread. The attack of the enemy is all around us. He has waged war against everything and everyone standing on the righteousness of God. It's not a surprise to me. He is doing what the devil does. Devilment is his title and position. The thing we must remember is that our position does not exempt us from opposition. The titles we hold here on earth will not shield us from the pain and difficulty that comes in life. We cannot afford to expect shelter behind our education or church elevation. No amount of prestige or money will keep us from facing off with the devil. He knows his position and governs himself accordingly. When will we do the same? When will we know who we are in Christ, and govern ourselves accordingly? We spend too much time focused on what's coming against us instead of focusing on WHO'S coming for us! We are ...