The Heat is On!

Can you believe the way things are changing here in Colorado? Of course, if you have been here a week, you already know how quickly the weather can change. Yesterday, it was a gut-wrenching 100 degrees. It seemed like the heat was cooking me from the inside out and then tore a hole right through my clothes. When I think about the state of this world, I know that the heat is on. The enemy is trying every trick in the book to stop the believer from making Jesus his choice. He starts with what we think are random and harmless drops of anxiety, depression, and offense. He is strategically placing people and things in our paths to cause us to stumble. That's not enough for him. He wants us to be utterly destroyed. If you don't believe me, look at the legislature that contradicts the very word of God. Look at the spirit of violence which has been released among us. Look the worldwide anguish and wars. In my lifetime, I have not witnessed so gre...