You Gotta Move!
I'm so excited about the work that God is doing today. Everywhere I look, I see the heartache of man and the attack of the enemy. I see how people are fighting to hold on to God. It lets me know that we are facing transition in our lives. We are looking at the opportunity to stay where we are or move to the next level with God! Oh yes, I know that transition is uncomfortable, and sometimes it's painful. In fact, it's downright difficult. Nevertheless, transition signals spiritual metamorphosis. When you find yourself being pulled from the place you are in, stretched beyond what you think you can bear, you, my friend, are in transition. God wants to take you into your destiny, but are you willing to go? If we are to receive the promises of God, we must go through! It's not optional. It's not a suggestion. It is both inevitable and necessary. We sometimes think that because we belong to God, we call the shots. Not so! Not ...