Choose To Praise!

I love church! I know that's what most people expect to hear from pastors, but I really mean it. I love to be in fellowship with the saints, and I enjoy every opportunity I have to lift up the name of Jesus! There's something about the excitement I feel when I see the people of God praising him for all that he's done. When I think about what he has done for me, thanksgiving flows out of my heart and praise out of my mouth. I've met some people who can't praise God because life has not gone the way they wanted. They don't have everything they think they should. Some have lost loved ones. Some have faced personal tragedies. It makes me sad to know that there are people who don't know the pleasure of praise. People seek pleasure (enjoyment) from their jobs, relationships, and success, but there is a greater pleasure. It comes from knowing the one who is greater ! It comes from a relationship with the Almighty God. I know ...