You're Glowing!

We are living in some of the darkest days I have ever seen! Every day brings news of personal tragedies and community pain. Even our congregations are touched by senseless and unbelievable acts of hatred. Nevertheless, we have help and we have hope! God is so good to us. He gives us peace in the midst of chaos and a song in the midnight. He pours out his Spirit on us when we worship him, and we should never take that for granted! You may feel bombarded by the cares of this life, and even buried by it all, but remember your light. Remember that you are created in the very image of God. You are related to the light of the world! If Jesus is light, then how can you not be? Remember that your light illuminates the dark for those trying to find their way through their struggles. Has anyone ever told you, "There's something different about you"? When you walk in the Spirit of God, you walk in his light! This doesn't mean ...