Another Comforter Is Here!

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.  John 14:16

Pentecost Sunday was a glorious time at my church! We prayed throughout the week that God would pour out his spirit on us, and he did just that.  At Unity Pentecostal Temple, we often seek God for unusual service.  We just want God to have his way.  We want the HOLY GHOST to take over!

In the scripture, Jesus was preparing his disciples for his departure and the arrival of the Holy Ghost.  He wanted them to know that hard days were coming but they would not be alone.  They would have help to guide them and comfort them.
Don't we need that help today?  I think many people are as victorious as they could be because they don't understand the Holy Ghost. Have you ever heard someone say, "Something told me to do this or that"? Or "I felt IT"?  That's the first misunderstanding.  The Holy Ghost is a supernatural being.  HE is the third person of the GodHead.  He is not a something or an it.  HE is HE!

The next misunderstanding is his role.  He is our comforter.  In the midst of the turmoil around us, the Holy Ghost gives us peace.  He keeps our hearts and minds as we deal with the struggles of this life.  When we understand that He gives us the wisdom to make good choices, then we won't set God up to be a magician.  We want God to work outside of his will.  What do I mean?  We make decisions, and then pray that God will bless them.  That's backward.  We should pray for God's direction before we make decisions.  When things don't go our way, we get mad at God.  If we had prayed first, the Holy Ghost would have given us wise counsel.

There are so many things going on in the world and the church! We are dealing with every kind of demonic attack the devil can throw at us.  Instead of letting him discourage or frighten us, we have the power to put him to flight.  That power comes from the Holy Ghost!

No matter what you face in life, the Comforter is here! Receive Him and let Him take care of your heart.  You don't have to live in turmoil and defeat.  Another Comforter is here!


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