God Is Still In Business

In the midst of this world-wide crisis, things are changing rapidly. In a matter of days, we went from watching the news to being the news. We watched as China and Italy fought to literally stay alive. Now here we are in the United States, fighting alongside them. It seems like we are getting updates on the hour, so I decided to join in. Schools are closed. Jobs are shut down. Even, the church has been ordered to limit its services to ten people. I have an update for every Believer and every person who needs help today. God is still in business! He's still open to you! There is no special time you need to call Him, just call! While you are watching the news, reading the internet, and talking (at a distance) with your friends, know that you don't have to be afraid. I'm not telling you to ignore sound instructions or to pretend this crisis isn't serious. I'm telling you that, in the midst of it all, God has promised to take ca...