The Power of One

I honor the presence of the Holy Ghost.  When He comes into the room, He changes everything.  When I came into the church on Sunday, I was so tired.  It seemed like my mind wasn't functioning just right. No, I wasn't crazy.  I just felt like it took some time to pull my thoughts in.  I sat in my seat feeling as if a weight had been placed upon me.  When I began to clap my hands, I started feeling better.  I started giving God the praise that I knew he was due. Before I knew it, my hands were up, my mouth was open, and the weight was lifted.
No matter how tired we get, physically or emotionally, God is still good. I'm a living witness! As the people praised God, the church filled with His presence. I could not and would not dare withhold my praise. I know that I do not belong to myself.  He woke me up and started me on my way. That might be a cute speech for some, but I am truly thankful for God giving me another day. No one had to pump my chest to get my heart beating.  No one had to dress me that morning. No one had to roll me into the service.  I had a reasonable portion of health and strength! For that alone, I owed God my praise.

I want to encourage you today.  Don't focus on how you feel.  Know that you are just one praise away from victory! One praise can change everything in your life. Before King Jehosophat went into battle, he called for the praisers and God gave him the victory (2 Chronicles 20:21).  Praise is more than singing and clapping.  Praise comes from the depths of your being.  The psalmist wrote: Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name (Psalm 103:1)  If you would just bless Him despite what you are feeling, seeing, and hearing, God will bless you! He inhabits the praises of his people.  Give Him a place to dwell and God will give you the victory!

All it takes is one praise!

Reaching the lost at any cost,
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image by TJ Smith of Free Images


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