Don't Let the Cave Stop You!

Today in Colorado, our Covid numbers are rising. There's so much uncertainty in the air for our schools, hospitals, and even churches. I have to tell you that while I am concerned, I'm not discouraged. If there is anything that I've learned in 2020, it is to trust God with my whole heart. If the rate of infection continues to increase, we may all be asked to retreat to our homes again. The church doors may be forced to close again, but this adjustment has taught us a valuable lesson about worship. We locked our doors but opened our sanctuaries. What do I mean? When we couldn't assemble in the church, we met in cyberspace. We learned to use the camera as our eyes and the keyboard as our touch. Our voices were strengthened. Our reach was extended. Maybe you aren't wondering what to do next. Maybe you've already decided to throw up your hands. Let me assure you that I get it. I understand how debilitating this year has been. I get how f...