Prayer Is Essential
Essential is defined as being absolutely necessary and extremely important. I cannot think of anything more essential to the spiritual health of the believer than prayer. As the year comes to close, I look back at the tragedies some of us narrowly escaped, the tests we endured, and the pain we suffered. This glance back isn't global or even national. We only have to look as far as our own front doors. Even our houses of worship have been subject to trials. It is only through the grace of God that we are not consumed. And it is essential that we pray, and we give thanks. Prayer can sometimes be seen as powerful when the verbiage is great, and the tone is loud. For me, it has been in my quietest moments that I have seen the power of prayer manifest miracles. Though I may be surrounded by chaos, prayer allows me to come humbly before my God and find his peace. As followers of Jesus, we must take heed to his divine example. In the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:29), while facing the...