Where Do You Stand?

I love this time of the year at my church.  I am so deeply honored to serve the members of Unity Pentecostal Temple. While we love on each other all year long, this special time brings us together to celebrate the years of ministry we share.  This is a time when I stand on the shoulders of my late husband, Superintendent Lamar Kennedy.  We shared 40 years of anniversary celebrations.  Six years later, though we miss him dearly, the celebrations continue.   I especially enjoy breaking bread with the members. There's so much anticipation and excitement in the air. As I sat on the platform this past weekend, I was humbled by the scene. 

Platforms are elevated for a reason. God's children must never view their station in life as an indicator of their self-worth, but rather use it help someone along the way. Let me explain. 

Though you may have a great title or position, your value comes from what you bring to the position.  This isn't a post today about great theologians or expansive church edifices. This isn't about elected officials or policy makers. By platform, I am simply referring to where God has allowed you to stand.  

Back to the elevated place.  In general, platforms are physically created higher than the other spaces in the room.  The purpose is to have all eyes on you or is it? From any point in the room, the platform is visible, but what is seen from the platform?  The person standing there has a bird's eye view of her surrounding.  She can see who is in the room. If it were a banquet setting as this weekend, she could see whose glass is empty. She could see whose plate hasn't yet arrived.  She could also see if the people were conscious to the things taking place around them. 

So, where do you stand? It does not matter if you are the school principal or the custodian.  You could be the doctor or the front office reception.  Where you stand is not as crucial as what you do with your platform.  God has blessed us to be a blessing.  When we ask God how we can extend his hand to others, we can look at the people we encounter everyday, and see their needs. We may not have the governor's ear, but we have someone greater.  We have the Lord's ear.  

There are people who seem to walk past us in a daze.  They are not conscious to the tricks the enemy is playing around them.  They have yet to recognize the power that God has given them.  Their cups are empty because of the tests and trials of life.  They have become faint because their sustenance has yet to arrive.  There are even those who are battling in the room while others seem at ease.  Where do YOU do stand? What mandate has the Lord laid upon you to help His people? How are you using where God has placed you? 

I encourage you today. Use your platform.  You may see yourself as one of the least of God's children, but He does not see you that way.  You are more than a conqueror.  You are the head and not the tail. God does not operate in happenstance. Neither is He wasteful.  He has strategically chosen your location for the people on the scene.   Where you stand, a platform has been elevated to give you a bird's eye view.  Are you reveling in your position or searching the room for your assignment? Wherever you find yourself, remember where you stand, and why! You are a chosen vessel.  You are chosen and anointed for such a time as this. 

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Philippians 2:4 KJV

Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: 1 Peter 3:8 KJV

Reaching the lost at any cost, 

Pastor Dr. Odie Kennedy

Photo Image Elvis Santana www.freeimages.com


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