It was the LORD

It's the Holy Week! This is a such an exciting time for the believers of Christ.  It's the time of year when the His love was experienced, witnessed, and lived out before His followers and enemies.  Of course, we reference and reverence this time throughout the year.  

It's only April, but it seems like we have already lived a full twelve months! Life really has no respect for time or even our awareness of time.  Sometimes, I can go hours without eating. I get caught up in whatever I am doing and forget that I haven't nourished my body.  The same can be said when we fail to reference and reverence what Jesus has done for us.  When we live everyday as if we are in control of our lives, we are cheating God out of His glory, and pushing His son aside.  God did not give us such a gift for us to leave it unopened and unappreciated. Our relationship with God is the most priceless and precious gift that has ever been given and ever will be given.  

Have you ever looked at your life and you just had to reference God?  When people ask, "How did you make it?" You really don't have to think about it. Before your lips can part, your heart is always exploding with glorious acknowledgment. When you find yourself in difficult situations, but your testimony has not faded in your spirit, you declare aloud, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivereth him out of them all!" (Psalm 34:19)

This is a beautiful time to celebrate the Resurrection of your Lord and Savior! It's also the perfect time to remember why he sacrificed his life for you. He didn't do it to be beaten, rejected, and ridiculed. He did it so that you could have eternal access to HIM! He did it to one day to spend every day with you. He did it because He truly loves you.  I hope the glitz and glam of this "holiday" doesn't replace the grace and mercy of God in your life. Stand out and reference and reverence HIM in all that you do. Look for his handiwork all around you.  See the stars that hang in the sky to tuck you in on your darkest nights and the sun that rises to warmly greet on even on your coldest days.  Recount the miracles has worked on your behalf. Share the Light who is marvelous and ever shining in your soul. 

You have come this far by faith. It was the LORD!

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is in the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 
1 Corinthians 15:55-57

Reaching the lost at any cost, 
Pastor Dr. Odie Kennedy

Photo Credit: NowFound at Free Images


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