Don't Be Fooled! Take Another Look!

Mothers Day this year was one of the best that I have had.  As the day approached, I began to study
1 Kings 16-28. I learned some things that have helped me to keep going.  Let me share them with you.

There were two women in a household.  One of the women's baby died when she rolled over on it.  She decided to switch her dead baby with the living baby of the other woman. When that woman awoke, she was cuddling a dead baby.  She began to panic but then really looked at the baby. She discovered that he was not the son she gave birth to. Knowing what the other woman had done, she went to the king.   I had to stop here.  Not anyone can go before the king.  You can't just walk into the royal court.  This woman had a need and she wasn't afraid to break all the rules.  She had to see King Solomon.  She knew he was the only one that could fix her situation.

After hearing the plea of this mother, Solomon called for the sword.  Looking to discern the heart of the true mother, he offered to cut the living baby in two and give each woman half. The baby's mother cried out in agony declaring that she would rather give the baby away than see him slain.

Since the passing of my wonderful husband, Superintendent Lamar Kennedy, my children have been through so much. In addition to my children, there are some promises, dreams, and gifts that God has put in my bosom.  I am sure that you have some as well. When I finished my study of this text, I began to see God's encouragement! Here's what He shared with me:

  1. When God gives you a baby, you're ordained and destined to go before the King. You can go on your knees anytime and He will recognize your need!
  2. It doesn't matter who you are!  This woman was a harlot, but her love for her baby cancelled her reputation, transcended her lineage, and overshadowed her financial status.
  3. Don't let anyone exchange babies with you! People will smother what God has given them and then try to take what you have.  Theirs is dead, but yours still has life.  Keep your baby!

The King knows what He has given you.  Don't be fooled by what you see. Take another look!

Reaching The Lost At Any Cost!
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image by Cristina Romano


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