When the seats are empty, somebody isn't witnessing!

When the believers of God gather together, there's a unity that ignites our praise and elevates our worship. However, it is fundamental that we bring into that atmosphere a ready and cultivated God experience.  We cannot wait until we get to church to start giving God what we owe him.  Worship isn't a slow song on Sunday morning. Worship is a Lifestyle! 

When you assemble in the house of the Lord, and see empty seats around you, it should make you concerned for your neighbors.  The word of God is not just for your four and no more!  We often say there's a hurting world out there, but there's also hurting people in the church.  Have you reached out to them? When the seats are empty, somebody isn't witnessing. Did you know that even the people of God go through? Yes, they know God. They love him, and they may still need encouragement.  We have a responsibility and an obligation to our sisters and brothers.  Our lives are so busy, but we must take the time to witness.  Let others know God is concerned about them, and so are you.  Remind them that they serve The Mighty God! 

Your next door neighbor or coworker may not be a member of your church, but he belongs to God! Embrace him with the love of God.  Tell him that there's room for him at the cross! The feast of the Lord is going on, and it's our job to invite people to the table. It's not to make us great, but to make God great in their lives. 

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

I thank God for all of you and I lift you up before the King of Kings!

Reaching the lost at any cost, 

Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image: Benjamin Earwicker


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