God's Love Is For Everyone!

During the reign of King Manasseh, he did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord. Let me give you a brief overview of 2 Chronicles 33:1-20. Manasseh was a heathen! He built up the shrines that his father Hezekiah had torn down, reinstated idol worship, dabbled in witchcraft, and even sacrificed one of his sons. In other words, everything that God said not do, that is what Manasseh did! I have been teaching a series on Love. There are many other biblical characters that would fit the bill, but in my opinion, none as deplorable as Manasseh. He basically spit in the face of God! Nevertheless, he prayed and repented for his sins, and God pardoned him. He was forgiven. So often we preach about the wrath of God, but fail to tell people about the love of God. His forgiveness is love! God isn't like man. When you wrong someone and apologize, they hold it over you. Manasseh endured many things as a result of his disobed...