It's Not What It Looks Like!

Have you ever wondered why your heart and mind cannot seem to agree when you need them to? Are you one of those people that can see the good in those that others always find fault? Do you assume the burdens of others as if they're your own?  If you answered yes, you have a big heart!

When you have a big heart it can work against you.  Sometimes you know there are things you need to loose and even cut off, but your heart just won't agree.  You toss and turn all night agonizing over a situation when others rest better than they ever have.  When people hurt you, you say, "that's it! I'm done!" but you end up right back there again. Your big heart can't just walk away. And you probably wish there was a switch that could just turn your heart off.  It doesn't work like that and thank God!

Some of my best triumphs, best blessings, and greatest anointing came because of this big heart that God gave me. Sadly, some of my greatest pain and greatest disappointment also came because of my heart. If you have a big heart then you know what I'm talking about.  But how can the heart work so powerfully in my favor and against me?

Our expectations often causes the let down we experience in our lives.  When our expectations are unclear or muddled with how we think things should go, we become dissatisfied.  People leave their jobs abruptly because the company didn't treat them right.  In reality, the job just wasn't what they expected.  Marriages head for divorce court after a year because she thought she was marrying Superman.  The truth is the man never knew he was expected to be superman.  He thought he was supposed to be a husband.  The expectation was not clear and was not communicated.  This is even true in the church.  A visitor may walk into Unity expecting to see a man mount the podium, but that's not who God chose this time.   I said all that to say, it's not always what it looks like.

Consider 1 Samuel 16:1-7.  Samuel was sent to Jesse's house to anoint the next king.  When Samuel saw the first son Eliab, he was sure that he had found the king.  It was his appearance and height that caught the attention of Samuel. But God had to stop Samuel and deal with his expectations.  He directed him to look past what he saw.  For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.  Son after son was refused by God.  The oil would not pour on any of them. Samuel then asked Jesse if he presented all of the sons. He had not.  The youngest son was still out in the field tending to the sheep.  He was the runt and not at all like his brothers.  Could this be why Jesse did not bring him before Samuel? Maybe he wasn't what Jesse expected a king to look like! When David was brought in from the field, Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of all his brothers. The Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward!

God wants you to know that it's not always what it looks like. He is not concerned with our fine suits and nice shoes.  He is looking at our hearts.  He's not choosing leaders based on education, pedigree, or gender.   He wants leaders who will be servants first.  He wants vessels who will love with their whole heart! You might be in the field today and no one has brought you in.  Don't be discouraged.  Remember that God will use whom HE chooses.  You may be considered by some to be inadequate, but God has created you in his image.  You cannot be inadequate!  You don't have to try to be what people expect; you only have to be who God has made you.  And remember to check your own expectations.  Make sure that they line up with the word of God and His will for your life.  When you do that, you cannot go wrong.

Come out of the field and Let God anoint you for his use! Don't be afraid of your big heart.  Man looks on the outward appearance but the LORD looks at the heart!

Reaching the lost at any cost,

Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image Credit: Adrian Canada


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