Surviving The Test

It means a great deal to have a testimony.  It illuminates the awesomeness of God and gives you the victory over your situation.  As the name implies, you must endure a test to gain a testimony.

There isn't a person alive that has a perfect life.  We all face struggles and trials in our lives.  Some people resist the test, and question the very deity of God for allowing the test to come. The Hebrew boys, Meshach, Shadrach, and Abednego faced a trial that threatened to be fatal.  In the 3rd Chapter of Daniel, we see that King Nebuchadnezzar erected a golden image to be worshiped at the sound of the music.  He made a decree that anyone who failed to heed his instructions would be thrown into the fiery furnace.  It was observed that the young men disobeyed and rejected the king's demand to worship the graven image. When they were brought before the king, he explained again the rules of the decree, the reward of compliance, and the consequences of disobedience. The young men were not willing to bow down before the image and stood firm in the face of the king and death.  

For years we have preached the aerobic gospel, "Turn around three times, jump up and down twice, roll in the floor, and kiss your neighbor and God will do what you want!". We fail to realize that in doing so, we create false security among God's people.  When they don't get what they want, they are lost and confused.  They find themselves feeling as if God has let them down. He didn't do what the preacher told him He would do.   

We cannot be temperamental saints who fall out with God every time we don't get our way. "As long as my paycheck keeps coming, God, I'm here.  As long as there's food in the fridge, I'll praise you."  What do you do when there's no food in the fridge?  When your children are still acting up?  Will you still praise God? You must acknowledge and accept that God is not a cosmic Santa Claus dropping little perfect gifts in your lap.  Sometimes God will let you cry a while.  He may even keep you waiting. It's not to hurt you, but it is to prepare the perfect timing for your deliverance.  He's birthing your testimony.  

We must remember and remind others that God has divine and perfect timing.  He did not stop the king from throwing the young men into the furnace.  They had to enter the test knowing that God was able to deliver them, even if He didn't do it.  Don't give up on the promises of God.  Keep holding on to what he has told you. Things may not look like you want them to, but know that just like He was in the fiery furnace with the boys, God is in this with you! And in His timing, He will deliver! Survive the test!

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

Reaching the lost at any cost, 
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image: Gustavo Bueso Padgett


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