Use Your Words. You Matter.

Anger. Rejection. Forgiveness. Healing.

Most people are reluctant to admit that they feel anger because of its negative connotation.  Believers tend to suppress their anger in an effort to be loving and forgiving.  Unfortunately, this can cause damage in the long run. When we ignore our emotions, we give the enemy room to attack our mind.  Small offenses become unforgivable acts. Internalized anger can manifest feelings of depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and rejection.

When my toddler great-grandson gets upset, his Godmother helps him by saying, "Use your words." As a school teacher, she deals with children in various emotional states everyday.  Sometimes they get mad and throw things.  Sometimes they breakdown and cry.  Encouraging them to use their words, gives them a opportunity to say what they feel instead of acting out.  When expressing themselves is welcome, they often feel valued and accepted.

Anger is a necessary and powerful emotion when handled correctly.  Ephesians 4:26 admonishes us, "Be not hasty in thy spirt to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools". When anger is allowed to rest, to dwell, it creates a hostile and bitter buildup in your heart. This spills over into your relationships, your interactions, and even your worship. Before you know it, you begin to function in tantrum-mode.

We have to let anger go. Facing it allows us to release our pain, disappointment, and frustration.  We cannot overcome anything that we cannot confront. I'm not advocating or suggesting that you go around telling people off when you get angry.  We don't need anymore bullies. I'm encouraging you to use your words carefully when you are angry.  Use them constructively, and not destructively.  We must learn to communicate with one another without falling out or offending. We should speak with love, patience, and compassion, even when we are angry.

Offenses will come and that means sometimes we will be hurt, even angry. Don't hide from your anger.  Be honest with yourself and let God heal your heart. You matter.

Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun do down upon your wrath.  Ephesians 4:27

Reaching the lost at any cost,
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image Credit: Becky Freeland


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