Hold on, the King has one more move!

I'm so happy to have an opportunity to encourage the discouraged.  Who are the discouraged? Is it the person on the corner with his sign out? Is it the person in the unemployment line? Or is it the person sitting in the pews next to me? Discouragement hits us all! Yes, even those in suits on Sunday morning, sitting right in the pews and praising God.

We pray and fast, but the truth is, we still get discouraged.  Understanding the complexities of the trials we face and the pain we suffer can be a daunting task.  There are times that we feel as if the problems of our personal world is more than we can handle, but that is when it is most important to trust God.  That is when we should expect God to move.

The heartbreaking story of Mephibosheth begins in 2 Samuel 4:4. At the age of 5, news came that his father Jonathon, and grandfather King Saul were both killed in war.  In a panic and attempt to keep him safe, Mephibosheth's nurse picked him up and ran.  Unfortunately, she dropped him and he became crippled.  Mephibosheth lived many years in a place for the undesirable and weak called Lodebar until the day that King David showed him kindness (2 Samuel 9).

Mephibosheth was dealt a heavy blow.  He was the victim of circumstances out of his control. Here is the encouraging part: The King was getting ready to make a move on his behalf! David sought out a descendent of Saul so he could give them the inheritance of Saul.  Mephibosheth was the recipient of that kindness. Like Mephibosheth, you may feel like your circumstances will keep you in Lodebar.  You may think you will never escape the pain of your past, but it is my pleasure to inform you today that THE KING is about to make a move on your behalf.  Don't let your feelings or frustration of what appears to be the lack of God's power override what you know about God!

I know it's hard to say God is good when the tears saturate your face.  It's hard to say God is faithful when your bank account is full of minuses.  What do you do when you pray, but it feels like God isn't listening?  What do you do when you feel like you're in Lodebar?  Suffering all around has you asking if it's worth to believe anymore.

Yes, all that you have been through is worth it!  THE KING is about to show you that he is clearing a path for you. He hasn't forgotten you! Don't let the process make you abort and miss the manifestation of what God has proclaimed over your life. You have an inheritance that you have not yet

received. Whatever you do, don't get comfortable in Lodebar.  THE KING has one more move!

Reaching the lost at any cost,

Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image credit: Laura Leavell


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