Positioning For Kingdom Expansion

Positioning for Kingdom Expansion!
Judges 7:1-8 KJV

When God spoke this to me, I could hardly sleep! I began to rejoice and thank God for what He has allowed. 

Gideon was preparing to go to battle.  He had 32,000 men with him.  You would think that with such a large company of men, Gideon would be ready to take the Midianites down.  Instead, God told Gideon that he had too many men with him.  God did not want them to attribute the victory to their size, but to God's size.  He was positioning Gideon for kingdom expansion.  

When I began to examine the plight of Gideon, I found five positions necessary for his victory.
  1. Position of Courage.  God told Gideon to tell all that were afraid that they could go home. Twenty-two thousand of the men left. If you are expecting God to enlarge your territory, you cannot be afraid.  God has not given you the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 
  2. Position of Separation.  We have to know and accept that separation is necessary.  God will not allow everyone to go where you are going.  He cannot allow anyone to take the credit in your life for what He has done. 
  3. Position of Pain.  Though we do not see it in the text, naturally we experience hurt when we are left, rejected, or abandoned.  This pain can be instrumental in getting us in a posture of prayer and fasting.  If we are to go higher in God, we must be prepared to suffer pain. 
  4. Position of Unpopular Patient Humility. God told Gideon to take the men to the stream.  There they would be divided based on the manner of drinking.  There were those who knelt down and placed their face in the water,  and those who cupped their hands and lapped up the water with their tongues like dogs.  The latter would be the men whom God chose to go with Gideon into battle.  If there were only 300 men left of the remaining 10,000, then it is likely that lapping like a dog was unpopular.  In other words, instead of hastily placing their face in the water seeking quick gratification,  these men were willing to use their hands to get what they needed.  They possessed the patience and humility necessary for expansion.  
  5. Position of Release.  Gideon did not object to letting go of the men who left or those who God sent away.  He willingly released them.  If we are to obtain what God has for us, we must be willing to let go when people leave.  Whether it is of their own accord or at God's direction, harbor no ill will.  Accept what God allows.  
When I look at my church, I see why God gave me this message.  Our congregation is still in transition after the passing of Superintendent Lamar Kennedy.   Yet, we continue to press forward and bless God.  We have learned how to wave our hands without throwing in the towel.  We've learned to dance though our hearts ache.  As we began to seek God for direction, many were afraid of change.  Many were looking for God to go another way. Many did not wish to stand with a woman pastor.  Finally, many could not agree with the vision. Consequently, we experienced some hard times, disappointment, and even rejection.  Our pulpit as well as our pews have some empty seats, but I know now that God used this to let us know, we had too many for our kingdom expansion to manifest. 

Don't be afraid of the task before you.   You don't have to stay where you are.  God wants to expand your reach in every area of your life. Your home, job, and church need you to go forward.  Allow God to reduce your army so he can give you the victory.  He is protecting his glory by putting you with the right people. Let God position you for kingdom expansion. 

Reaching the lost at any cost, 

Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image credit: Flavio Takamoto


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