Positioned for Promised Victory

After the days of Moses, it was Joshua's job to lead the children of Israel into the land God had promised them.   He had to step out of the shadow of Moses and hear God for himself.  God told Joshua that wherever his feet trod, that land would be his. Furthermore, God promised that he would be with Joshua through battle and no man would be able to stand against him all the days of his life!
What a mighty promise! When I think about the magnitude of that promise, I find myself encouraged in spite of my circumstances.  

Joshua was dealing with some difficult circumstances.  His beloved leader, Moses, was dead, the people were looking to him to carry on, and he himself, needed encouragement.  This is not unlike many of us.  If we were to look only at our situation, we would become afraid and disheartened.  However, it when we focus on the promises of God that we realize that we are positioned for victory.  It is in the dark days that the light can illuminate the promises of God! It is in the battles, that our resolve to serve God can be fortified.  It is when we feel our weakest, that we can be strengthened! 

I want to encourage you to read the book of Joshua, paying special attention to the 10th chapter.  The Gibeonites made peace with Joshua because they saw that the Lord was coming against nations on behalf of Israel, and they did not want to be wiped out in battle.  When the king of Jerusalem finds this out, he is angered by this alliance and solicits the help of four other kings to come against the Gibeonites.  When they sent for Joshua to help them, he kept his word and came. Though it was just Israel and the Gibeonites against the armies of those five kings, God's promise did not fail.  In fact, the circumstances did not change what God had promised.  Not only did God drop hail stones from the sky, he allowed Joshua to have the last word.  At Joshua's word, the sun and the moon stopped in their tracks!

Your situation may look dark today, but know that you are in a position for your promised victory.  Your prayers have not been in vain.  God hears your heart and he is ready to give you the last word.  You may feel like the enemy has come in and taken over, but use your authority.  Use your position! Speak and declare victory in your home, your church, and most importantly, your mind! Don't allow what you see or even who you see, to write the end of your story.  God has made you some promises and he will not fail!

You have the victory!

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

Reaching the lost at any cost, 

Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image Credit: Shirley Serban


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