Fasting: Make It Personal!

Fast. (verb) Abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance.

So many people begin the year with resolutions of losing weight, being more active, and starting new adventures.  The motivation is a longing to improve one's life.  Beneath this motivation is often feelings of disappointment and discontentment.  For some, these underlying reasons aren't shared for fear of being rejected, judged, or dismissed.

My church begins every new year with consecration.  For three weeks, we go before God as one body, fasting and praying.  Our motivation is also to improve our lives.  We fast to bring us into the presence of God.  Truthfully, some will undertake periods of fasting when they feel disappointed or discontent in their spiritual lives.  With food readily available, naturally, fasting can be challenging.  I'd like to share five things that make fasting more achievable and most importantly, effective.

  1. Understand the purpose of fasting.  While eating is a means of sustaining life, we derive satisfaction from what we put in our mouths.  Let's make it personal. When you shut that gate by fasting, you transfer that need from physical satisfaction to spiritual contentment.  You are no longer held captive by what's available to you on the outside, but you now crave what is available to you on the inside.  In a world where we are encouraged to feed our flesh, fasting kills the flesh. 
  2. Understand how to fast.  Fasting is not dieting.  It is not simply giving up food for a period of time.  Fasting requires that you pray and study the word of God.  The time that you would be filling your stomach is used to fill your spirit.  If you are not submerging yourself in the things of God during this time, you're just missing meals.  Your flesh is not being impacted at all.  
  3.  Understand the true exchange.  Fasting opens the door of exchange between you and God.  He is giving you the spiritual help that you need to keep growing and going.  Fasting strengthens your faith, your hope, and your resolve.  But, it's important to know that it doesn't stop there.  You are also contributing in the exchange.  You are giving God more of you. When you fast, you are giving a jealous God more of your time and attention. You are letting God know that He is the priority in your life.  
  4. Understand we must fast with spirit of humility.  Though you are participating in the exchange, you are not the focal point of the fast.  You aren't fasting for attention. Fasting doesn't require a big announcement of your faithfulness and sacrifice.  It is not your opportunity to make yourself pious and saintly in the eyes of others.  Fasting is not done with murmuring and complaining.  Bottom line, God doesn't want self-centered or begrudging sacrifices.  
  5. Understand fasting is not a favor to God.  It is your reasonable service. When you fast, you are presenting your body as a living sacrifice.  Your mindset about fasting will have a direct affect on how successful you are during the fast.  

Your mindset about fasting will have a direct affect on how successful you are during the fast.  Don't just miss meals, make fasting personal and let God fill you up!

Scriptures for meditation:
Luke 4:1-13
Matthew 6:16-18
Isaiah 58:3-11

Reaching the lost at any cost, 
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Image by: Marinela Prodan


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