One Of A Kind!

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.  Psalm 139:14

I remember a time when it was not "saint-appropriate" to look at yourself and say that God did a good thing when he made you.  It was considered arrogant and puffed up.  Well, today I want to talk to the women who are dealing with low self-esteem.  It is not arrogant to believe what God says about you.

When I was younger, people used to call me ugly.  I don't think they realized how painful that was or how it would affect the way I saw myself.  Because I bought into their opinion, I accepted mistreatment and belittlement. They made me feel I didn't measure up to those around me.  I didn't know that God had not created me to be measured against anyone.  He fearfully and carefully crafted every feature on my face.  He took his time when he made me.  He made a Godly woman!

There are so many traps in society and the church that keep women oppressed and looking down on others and themselves.  We're told we have to have bodies like soda bottles and clothes too tight to breathe.  At church, we must wear dresses to the floor and sport ashy faces.  Sadly, no matter what we do, some will not accept us or believe God called us. This is where you have to rely on your relationship with God and take authority over your mindset about yourself.

There are 6.8 billion people on the earth, and 3 billion are women.  Out of all of those women, God did not create one alike! We are mothers, grandmothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, authors, scholars, and visionaries, but not one is like the other.  God created you to be different.  He was deliberate and particular about every part of you.  You are custom made! He designed you to be unique in your appearance, emotions, and intellect.

When I see ladies on television, it doesn't make me want to run out and buy a new body.  It simply reminds me that I am a woman, but I'm not every woman!  When I accentuate any part of myself, it is my choice.  I don't do it to impress people or be accepted.  I do it for myself.  And when I see my sister, I can celebrate who God made her to be.  It takes nothing from me.

You are different because God made you different.  When you walk past a mirror, stop and admire God's masterpiece.  He did a good thing when he created you! Go ahead and brag on his work.  Believe you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  You are a woman, but you're not every woman!
Declare today these words:
I know who made me.
I'm a woman, but I'm not every woman.
I'm different.  I'm set aside.
I can't help it! I'm a King's Kid!
I'm not pitiful, I'm priceless.
I don't whine.  I worship.
I don't play with the devil.  I slay the devil.
I don't survive.  I thrive.

I'm a woman, but I'm not every woman.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made!

Reaching the lost at any cost,
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Featured Image by Franci Strumpfer


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