You Must Survive The Test

We have been studying faith for over a month now.  There are so many things going on around us that we must have faith to survive.  Faith is the ingredient that you have to have to please God.  We want to please God in spite of what happens around us.  Every day won't bring sunshine.  In fact, some days will bring fire!
When I read the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3ch) being thrown in the fiery furnace, I was upset. When I was fourteen years old, I had a problem with God.  I asked God, "Now why would you even put them in there in the first place?  Why would you allow them to suffer?" I thought he was teasing them.  It just didn't make sense that he allowed them to go through those problems, but as I got older, I realized that we have to survive the test!

Have you ever asked God why he let your heart be broken? Or why did he let your health fail? God needs us to move from drinking milk to chewing meat.  We have to grow up so we can help others reach their faith potential. If we are all still in the crib, who will go out and tell a dying world that Jesus saves? I think we limit God when we think everything that happens is about us, first.  We have the order incorrect.
Surviving the test isn't just about you.  When you read the story of the three Hebrew boys, you will see that it was not until after the fiery furnace, that the king proclaimed their God to be God!
Whatever test you are going through today, know that God is going to use it for his glory first! And what I love about God is that he isn't just doing it for himself.  He is allowing you an opportunity to know him better.  To be closer to him.

When you come out of the fire, your mind will be new. Your attitude will be changed. Most importantly, your faith will be elevated. You will not only survive the test, but you will conquer yourself. When we activate our faith by expressing our belief in the abilities of God, we become a different individual in the eyesight of God. Our vocabulary reflects his dominion in our lives. We affirm that God can do anything but fail. We walk and commune with him when we speak Godly language and we survive the test!

Reaching the lost at any cost,
Pastor Odie Kennedy

Featured Image Credit: Vidal Velazco


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