Where Is The Altar?

In these trying times, it is really an adjustment for me to "attend" church services from my dining room table.  I have learned to schedule my trip down the stairs so I will be on time for Sunday school, morning worship, and bible study.

Many quite naturally are concerned about how we will go forward as our state begins to reopen.  Will churches be allowed to open their doors soon, or will we continue to connect remotely? Really none of us know the answers at this time, but we do know some things that are even more important.  We know some things that have never changed.

For many years, we were taught that people find God in the church building.  While altar services are suspended, that does not mean that you can not be saved.  Neither does it mean you can't have service in your house!
Abraham had a practice of setting up altars so he could reverence God.   It's vital to let others know that you can construct your altar wherever you are and whenever you need to reach God.  God is not confined to the building of pews. He dwells among His people.  That means that if you cry out to God for salvation, He is not going to tell you to wait until the doors reopen.  How do I know? Simple, I read in my Bible, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.  I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture." John 10:7,9
Now more than ever, we must be careful to draw others to our God, and not our building.  We want to worship and see our churches grow and that's okay.  I'm not knocking membership, I am just stressing relationship.

If you are reading this and you're wondering how to get to God in your living room, speak to God from your heart. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.  Roman 10:9-10

No matter what things look like today, God has not changed. He is still ready and waiting for you to connect with him.  He is still holding the door open for you to come in.

If you'd like some company, meet on us for virtual services at Unity Pentecostal Temple   or call us at 1-669-900-9128 Meeting ID 731-782-1095. Our schedule is as follows:
Sunday School Sunday at 9:30am MDT
Sunday Worship 10:50 am MDT
Prayer and Bible Band Tuesday 7pm MDT
Pastoral Teaching Thursday 7pm MDT

Reaching the lost at any cost,
Dr. Odie Kennedy, Pastor
Featured Image by Woot Free Images


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