Under New Management

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8

It seems so easy to get caught up in what we see and hear.  I have from time to time been guilty of setting my alarms to hear the news on all channels.  Keeping up with the constant changes, falling economic system, and perils of humanity can be more than draining.  It can disturb your peace.  
Of course, it's necessary to be aware of what is happening in the world, but it cannot become our world. We are spiritual beings living a natural experience.  In order to function as God intended, we have to remember to manage our atmosphere.  

I am not talking about your perspective based on what you see.  The beginning of the year, we all were professing greater vision based on the year 2020.  I imagine that many who were on board have not "seen" what they were expecting.  This year has thrown us all. We didn't come into 2020 prepared for quarantine. We didn't know that our hugs would become a luxury of the heart or our goodbyes too frequent.  It's been five months since our world was hit with an invisible but deadly enemy.  As a result, we have learned to reevaluate how we interact with one another and even how we worship.  

In this season, I want to encourage to take your eyes off of the natural ramifications and focus on the spiritual gains God has strategically wrought in us. Though there may be many things at play in the atmosphere, you can sustain your faith when you take your rightful authority.  God has given you the authority to command your mind to line up with what he is doing in the spirit realm on your behalf. When you decree and declare the goodness of God in the land of the living, you achieve the greater vision you were professing in January.  

If you're like me, you're tired of relying on others to give you the news about your life. It's time we learn to stand when quitting seem so easy.  And most of all, we must learn to worship because of, instead of in spite of. We've all experienced seasons of trouble and sometimes allowed that season to shut down our peace and hope. We let our circumstances manage our mind. 

Today I encourage you to declare your mind UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT! No longer will you allow what you see to control your responses or dictate your expectations. No longer will you fall for the illusions that crush your faith.  As of today, access the authority that God put in your mouth.  Speak over yourself! You're under new management!

Reaching the lost at any cost, 
Pastor Odie Kennedy
Harald Wittmaack (Photo Credit)


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