Hold On Tight!

Happy New Year! 

I have to admit, it feels amazing to be able to utter those words.  Yes, I know that we're only nine days into this year and we're witnessing the attack on a nation by those sworn to protect it.   We are still in the throes of an invisible threat to our way of life.  We're still six feet away from physical fellowship with the ones we love.  Let's not talk about the natural limitations on our worship experiences. 

And again, I say, Happy New Year! I am determined to carry the hope born on Christmas day into every day of the new year.  It is indeed a privilege to breathe the air of God during such tumultuous times.  The prophet Jeremiah said it best: This I recall to my mind, therefore have I hope.  It is of the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness (Lamentations 3:21-23). 

As these last days have unfolded, none of it has the power to blot out the goodness of God.  Not only is God present for everything we've experienced, he has not abandoned his throne! This gives me hope everyday that I rise.  I wake up knowing that God has gone before me and prepared a path paved with new mercies.  Every step I take is cushioned with mercy. 

 I know that we're facing some daunting days, but I want to encourage you to face those days in the strength of God.  He has not forsaken you.  He walks with you everyday.  Create a mindset to receive his presence and see God moving on your behalf.  He sent hope to this world when Jesus was born.  

Whatever you are facing, let hope grow up in you.  Don't let what you see or hear pry hope from your grip.  Wake up, read your bible, and talk with God.  Everyday God provides new mercies just for you! Don't let go of God's unchanging hand.  Hold on tight!

Happy New Year!

Reaching the lost at any cost, 

Pastor Odie Kennedy

Photo Image: Svilen Milev


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