Turning Back To God

What an exciting month this has been. It started with great celebrations of people thrilled to say goodbye to 2020, but no inkling that an insurrection was brewing.  It was devastating to see a nation turn on itself.  A body that works against is itself is not only unhealthy, but it is void of true devotion, 

This week many saw the culmination of dreams from centuries old. We saw a woman planted firm in shoes no other woman has worn. I don't know what you did at your home, but we stood and we cheered in mine.  We celebrated to see the reflection of our hopes and dreams seemingly staring back at us.  

Let me tell the part that gripped my spirit.  When the leader of this nation produced his family bible to be sworn in, I felt hope reignited for this nation.  As he begin to share his address, I heard that hope again.  I watched with great anticipation and joy.  While I wanted to hear the words, I wanted to see what God is doing for America.  I see God turning us back to Him.  I felt the Holy Ghost leaping in my belly!

Is there anything greater than turning back to God? It is because of His mercy that we are not consumed. It is His love that makes turning back possible.  So much has happened in all of our lives, but I want to admonish to stay with God.  Stay in his presence as much as you possibly can.  If your thoughts stray, turn back to God.  He is restoring, refining, and reconstructing His people.  

Where to start?  If the turning of a nation is difficult to see, start with yourself. Start with your prayer life.  Start with your worship.  When we individually commit to turning, we collectively achieve turning as a nation.  Let's do our part to turn this nation back to God. 

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  2 Chronicles 7:14

Reaching the lost at any cost, 

Pastor Odie Kennedy


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