What's Your Bottom Line?

If there was ever a time of uncertainty, it is now! We can watch every channel of cable available and still have no idea what's coming. We can listen to every talk radio with a clear signal. We can surf the internet for all the buzz words that have been thrown our way. This pandemic has come with more questions than answers. In our weekly Bible study, we have been in the book of Revelation. I have found over the years that many people are afraid when they get into the scriptures about the rapture and tribulation. In fact, some of those people are believers. Facing the reality of the after-life can be a harsh awakening for some, but I've found the key to Revelation. It's important to understand destruction and damnation is coming for those who have not accepted the Lord. It's even more important that the believers know we are protected as long as we hold on to God. Just like the pandemic, you may not know what will happen, but you know who ...