Just Give Me Wisdom

What I'm about to say isn't earth shattering.  It isn't even surprising.  In fact, I know you will be nodding your head when you read it.  I have had some down days.  It seems like life comes at me like a bulldozer trying to bury me under my circumstances. Are you nodding yet? I know you get what I'm saying.

That may sound presumptuous of me, but I don't have to know your business to know that you're in a battle.  I know who is stirring up the trouble around you. I know because he is the same one who tries to discourage us all.  Sometimes, the initial response to the attack of the devil is to fight back with our smarts.  We think we can outwit him with our natural thinking, but God showed me a better way.  

I was feeling down just the other day, when in minutes, God reminded me of this:  "I'm God! In the midst of calamity, I am still God!" He took my mind back to a series of lessons we had last year in Bible study.  We examined the power and necessity of wisdom.  It all came flooding back to me, and I knew then that God had given me my strategy for conquering the bulldozer.  See, the enemy was shoveling that same old mess to try to get my mind off of God. 

I immediately began to ask God for wisdom in my situation.  I knew this, but the reminder came that the creature isn't capable of operating beyond the Creator.  I will never be smart enough to fix my own problems.  I will never have enough money to secure my peace or health. When I took my focus off the problem and sought The Problem Solver, wisdom came into view. 

Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7

It is the wisdom of God that gives you the strength to rise above every problem. Wisdom is greater than intelligence or anything you have at our natural disposal. Before you act on your feelings, ask God to give you wisdom.  He will tell you how to move, when to move, and what that movement will mean for you! You don't have to figure out how you will make it.  You don't have to take on that weight, and you don't have to be pushed around by the devil.  Operating in wisdom will conquer hurts feelings, disappointments, and discouragement. Let God lift the weight off your shoulders. 

Take a minute right where you are, and say these words: "God, just give me wisdom." He will answer you in prayer, in the scriptures, and in your spirit! Get ready for the victory that comes with wisdom.  It's yours for the asking. 

 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. James 1:5 KJV

Reaching the lost at any cost,  

Pastor Dr. Odie Kennedy


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